Volume 12, Issue 1 (2023)                   J Police Med 2023, 12(1) | Back to browse issues page

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Rasulzadeh Nemini S, sadeghi J. The mediating role of emotional expressiveness in the relationship between Hexaco personality traits with internet betrayal in students. J Police Med 2023; 12 (1) : e7
URL: http://jpmed.ir/article-1-1152-en.html
1- Department of Psychology, Sari Branch, Islamic Azad University, Sari, Iran
2- Department of Psychology, Babol Branch, Islamic Azad University, Babol, Iran , tah647@gmail.com
English Extended Abstract:   (1879 Views)
 Aims: According to the cognitive-behavioral approaches in family-related issues, personality and emotional factors play a significant role in the type of tendency of couples to infidelity. This research was conducted to investigate the mediating role of emotional expressivity in the relationship between HEXACO personality traits and internet infidelity in college students.
Materials and Methods: This descriptive research is a correlational type based on structural modeling. The statistical population of this research was all 324 married female students in the nursing faculty of Babol University in the academic year of 2021-2022. Two hundred and fifty samples were selected via simple random method. Internet Infidelity Questionnaire (IIQ), HEXACO Personality Traits Questionnaire (HEXACO), and King and Emmons Emotional Expressivity Questionnaire (EEQ) were used to collect data. To analyze the results, the Pearson correlation method and structural equations were used with SPSS 18 and AMOS 23 software.
Findings: In the study of demographic information, 148 female nursing students were 19-20 years old, and 102 were 21-22 years old in this method in some proposed countries. In terms of employment, 187 people were employed, and 63 were unemployed. Also, 127 students were employed in the 2nd to fifth semesters and 123 in the 6th to eighth academic semesters. The average sales of Internet Infidelity were 93.62±9.43, HEXACO personality traits 57.97±6.77, and emotional expressiveness 34.68±6.56 (Table 1). The results of the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test were higher than the 0.05 level in HEXACO's personality traits, emotional expressiveness, and Internet infidelity, so the normality of the data was confirmed. The results of the correlation matrix between the variables showed a significant correlation between the variables of HEXACO's personality traits and emotional expressiveness with Internet infidelity (Table 2). Specifically, there is a significant negative correlation between honesty-humility (-0.24), emotionality (-0.22), extroversion (-0.20), agreeableness (-0.25), conscientiousness (-0.23), openness to experience (-0.27) and an overall score of HEXACO personality traits (-0.33) were associated with Internet Infidelity. It showed a negative correlation between positive emotion expression (-0.25), intimacy and substance (-0.22), negative emotion expression (-0.20), and emotional expressiveness (-0.29) with Internet infidelity which was significant at the 0.01 level. The value of RMSEA was equal to 0.037, so this value was less than 0.1, which indicated the appropriateness of the mean squared errors of the model, and the model was acceptable. Also, the chi-square value for the degree of freedom was between 1 and 3 (2.445), and the amount of GFI, CFI, and NFI index was almost equal and more than 0.9 (0.999) showing that the model for measuring the research variables was suitable. All paths of HEXACO personality traits and emotional expressivity significantly explained 0.119 and 0.093 of the common variance of Internet infidelity (Table 3). The indirect path of HEXACO's personality traits on Internet infidelity was observed through the mediation of emotional expressiveness. In general, the path could separately predict 0.39 of the Internet infidelity variable; these variables could explain 39 percent of this endogenous variable, and 61 percent of the Internet infidelity variable was explained by other variables outside the research (Table 4). In examining the direct and indirect effects of HEXACO's personality traits and emotional expressiveness on Internet infidelity, the research model was confirmed with a total effect coefficient of -0.46 (Chart 1).
Conclusion: Emotional expressivity can be a negative and significant mediator in the relationship between HEXACO personality traits and internet infidelity in college students.
Clinical & Practical Tips in POLICE MEDICINE: According to the results of the present research on the mediating role of emotional expression in the relationship between HEXACO's personality traits and Internet infidelity, these findings can be used to reduce social harm in the family by using new methods of controlling and monitoring social networks and the cyberspace in cyber and prevention police. Also, action should be taken to develop therapeutic approaches and psychological interventions in the counseling centers of the police command for the health of families.
Acknowledgments: The authors thank all the students participating in the research. This article results from the master's thesis of the first author in psychology.
Conflict of Interest: The article's authors stated that this study has no conflict of interest.
Authors' Contribution: First author, conception and study design, data collection, data analysis; second author, study design, data analysis; all the authors participated in the initial writing of the article and its revision, and all accept the responsibility for the accuracy and correctness of the contents of this article with the final approval of this article.
Financial Sources: This research had no financial support.

Table 1) Descriptive statistics of Hexaco's personality traits,
emotional expressiveness and Internet betrayal
Variable M±SD
Friendly Activities 40.54±6.08
Emotional Activities 3/19±11/23
Sexual Activities 29.97±4.77
Internet Betrayal 93.62±9.43
Honesty-Humility 9.54±1.65
Excitability 8.38±1.19
Extroversion 10.51±1.87
Pleasant 9.77±1.26
Dutifulness 8/49±1/08
Openness to Experience 11.28±1.53
Hexaco's Personality Traits 57.97±6.77
Expressing Positive Emotion 14.54±2.29
Intimacy 10.27±2.33
Expressing Negative Emotions 9.87±2.10
Emotional Expression 34.68±6.56

Table 2) Matrix of Pearson correlation coefficients between Hexaco's personality traits and emotional expressiveness with Internet betrayal
Variable 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
honesty-humility 1 - - - - - - - - - - - - -
emotionality **0.58 1 - - - - - - - - - - - -
extroversion **0.65 **0.58 1 - - - - - - - - - - -
agreeableness **0.60 **0.61 **0.59 1 - - - - - - -
- -
conscientiousness **0.72 **0.52 **0.70 **0.66 1 - - - - - - - - -
Openness to experience **0.69 **0.64 **0.60 **0.72 **00.58. 1 - - --
- - -- -
Hexaco's personality traits **0.81 **0.73 **0.79 **0.84 **0.70 **0.84 1 - - - - - - -
Expressing positive emotion **0.20 **0.24 **0.18 *0.12 **0.18 **0.20 **0.29 1 - - - -- - -
Intimacy **0.24 **0.21 **0.19 **0.18 **0.21 **0.21 **0.28 **0.78 1 - - - - -
Expressing negative emotions **0.24 **0.22 **0.22 *0.13 **0.19 **0.19 **0.26 **0.66 **0.73 1 - - - -
emotional expression **0.28 **0.27 **0.28 **0.18 **0.22 **0.28 **0.31 **0.81 **0.79 **0.80 1 - - -
Friendly activities **-0.21 **-0.20 **-0.17 **-0.23 **-0.18 **-0.25 **-0.30 **-0.22 **-0.20 *-0.15 **-0.24 1 - -
Emotional activities **-0.19 *-0.15 **-0.19 **-0.18 **-0.20 **-0.24 **-0.26 **-0.19 **-0.16 **-0.17 **-0.22 **0.69 1 -
sexual activities **-0.20 **-0.19 **-0.21 **-0.22 **-0.20 **-0.21 **-0.29 **-0.20 **-0.17 *-0.14 **-0.26 **0.70 **0.66 1
Internet betrayal **-0.24 **-0.22 **-0.20 **-0.25 **-0.23 **-0.27 **-0.33 **-0.25 **-0.22 **-0.20 **-0.29 **0.78 **0.71 **0.79
**Significant at the 0.01 level; *Significant at the 0.05 level

Table 3) Direct estimation of the model by maximum likelihood estimation
Variable B unstandardized coefficient Standard coefficient β R2 t p
Hexaco's personality traits on Internet Betrayal -0.387 0/309 0.119 657/3 0.001
Emotional expression on Internet betrayal -0.351 -0.265 0.093 221/3 0.001

Table 4) Indirect estimation of the model using the bootstrap method
Variable B unstandardized coefficient β is the standard coefficient R2 lower limit high limit p
Hexaco personality traits on Internet betrayal through the mediation of the role of emotional expressiveness -0.579 0.462 0.391 -0.587 0/410 0.001

Figure 1)
The final tested model along with standardized prediction statistics
Article number: e7
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Article Type: Original Research | Subject: Police Related Psychology
Received: 2022/11/26 | Accepted: 2023/01/29 | Published: 2023/03/14

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