Volume 12, Issue 1 (2023)                   J Police Med 2023, 12(1) | Back to browse issues page

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Izadi M R, Yousefpour Dehaghani A R, Naji M, Jafari B. Correlation between Functional-Movement Screening Test with Stature Abnormalities and Upper Limb Function of Military Personnel. J Police Med 2023; 12 (1) : e10
URL: http://jpmed.ir/article-1-1178-en.html
1- Department of Physical Education & Sport Sciences, Faculty of Social & Cultural Sciences, Imam Hossein University, Tehran, Iran , izadi.mreza@gmail.com
2- Department of Physical Education & Sport Sciences, Faculty of Social & Cultural Sciences, Imam Hossein University, Tehran, Iran
3- Pathology & Corrective Movements Group, Faculty of Physical Education & Sport Sciences, Tehran, Iran
English Extended Abstract:   (1164 Views)
Aims: Standard functional-movement screening tests can be one of the predictors of musculoskeletal injuries in military forces. This study aimed to investigate the relationship between functional-movement screening test scores and abnormalities and function of the upper limbs of military personnel.
Materials and Methods: The present study is correlational. The statistical population of this research was all military personnel working in one of the headquarters military centers in 2022. Forty people were selected purposefully after a public call. Checkerboard, New York Test Questionnaire and Disabilities of the Arm, Shoulder, and Hand Questionnaire (DASH) were used to measure upper body stature abnormalities. Then, all subjects performed seven Functional Movement Screen (FMS) test. Data were analyzed using Pearson's correlation coefficient test by SPSS 22 software.
FINDINGS: 30 samples with an average age of 30.30±4.47 years, FMS 18.32±2.24, and FMS 13.33±8.21 participated in this research. The results of the present study showed that 60.8% of the participants have some degree of functional disability in their upper limbs. The frequency and percentage of different scores for each FMS test are listed in Table 2. The Pearson correlation test results showed a significant relationship between the FMS test and upper limb function, as well as the incidence of upper body posture abnormalities (Table 3). In stature anomalies and the DASH questionnaire, a lower score indicates a better performance, which leads to a negative number obtained from Pearson's moment correlation coefficient. The results showed a negative relationship between the score obtained from the FMS test and the incidence of hunchback (p=0.001; r=-0.624) and head forward (p=0.001; r=-0.588) abnormal posturing was fairly strong. There was a significant, negative, and moderate correlation between the score obtained from the FMS test and the Hand and Arm Disability Assessment Questionnaire (DASH) test (p=0.003; r=-0.358).
CONCLUSION: Creating preventive solutions such as monitoring and movement-functional screenings at different time points, improving the ergonomics of the work environment and tools, designing corrective exercises as well as periodic monitoring under the supervision of experts can be effective in preventing chronic musculoskeletal pain, performance loss, organizational financial losses and improving the quality of working life of staff. There was a strong and moderate negative correlation between the total score of the FMS test and some of the upper body posture abnormalities. It seems that the scores of the FMS test are affected by the structural-stature complications in the upper body organs. On the other hand, based on the FMS and DASH scores, it can be argued that the abnormalities of the upper body make a person more vulnerable to injury. 
Clinical & Practical Tips in POLICE MEDICINE: Chronic musculoskeletal pains, loss of performance, and organizational financial losses can be prevented by using standard tests to measure movement performance, which can improve the quality of work life of staff and military personnel. FMS test scores are a suitable predictor for diagnosing upper body posture complications in military personnel, and based on the FMS and DASH scores, it can be argued that upper body stature abnormalities, which are common in the headquarters military forces, make a person more vulnerable to injury. In general, the reduction of trunk stability and quality of movement caused by postural abnormalities directly or compensating will cause a decrease in FMS scores in individuals, which increases the incidence of injuries in military personnel.
Acknowledgments: The authors thank all the people who participated in this study.
Conflict of Interest: The authors stated that the present study has no conflict of interest.
Authors Contribution: Mohammadreza Izadi (presenting the idea and design of the study, data collection, and statistical analysis); Ahmadreza Yousefpour (Presenting the idea and design of the study, data collection); Morteza Naji (data interpretation and data collection); Behrouz Jafari (data collection and statistical analysis); All the authors participated in the initial writing of the article and its revision, and all of them accept the responsibility for the accuracy and correctness of the contents of this article with the final approval of this article.
Funding Sources: This study is the result of a research project with the financial support of Imam Hossein University.

Table 1) Mean and dispersion range
Variable mean The standard deviation minimal maximum
Age (years) 30.30 4.47 24 35
height (cm) 174.30 7.31 168 183
weight (kg) 76.70 14.21 63 101
body mass index (kg/m2) 23.80 6.12 21.7 30.5
FMS 18.32 2.24 13 21
Functional Disability of the Shoulder and Hand (DASH) 13.33 8.21 7.5 16.60

Table 2) Frequency and percentage of different scores for each FMS test
Score Deep squat Crossing the obstacle lunch Shoulder mobility Active leg raising Stability swimming Rotational stability
1 6 (20%) (6.6%)2 0 0 0 1(3.3%) 0
2 13 (43%) 14 (46%) 18(60%) 8(26%) 9(30%) 15(50%) 9(30%)
3 11 (36%) 14 (46%) 12(40%) 22(73%) 21(70%) 14(46%) 15(70%)

Table 3) Pearson correlation coefficient test results
Anomalies crooked neck head forward Asymmetric shoulder hollow waist hunchback crooked back DASH Questionnaire
r -0.272 -0.588 0/411 -0.288 -0.624 0/307 -0.358
p *0.003 *0.001 *0.001 *0.012 *0.001 *0.001 *0.003
*significant relationship (p≤05)
Article number: e10
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Article Type: Original Research | Subject: Police Related Trauma
Received: 2023/02/6 | Accepted: 2023/04/5 | Published: 2023/04/18

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