Volume 11, Issue 1 (2022)                   J Police Med 2022, 11(1) | Back to browse issues page

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Hadad S, Moheb N, Abdi R, Chalbianloo G. The Relation between Resilience, Abnormal Personality Traits and Anger: Testing the Mediating Role of Air Pollution Perception. J Police Med 2022; 11 (1) : e9
URL: http://jpmed.ir/article-1-1045-en.html
1- Department of Psychology, Faculty of Educational Sciences & Psychology, Tabriz Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tabriz, Iran
2- Department of Clinical Psychology, Faculty of Medical Sciences, Tabriz Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tabriz, Iran. , moheb.n@yahoo.com
3- Department of Psychology, Faculty of Educational Sciences & Psychology, Shahid Madani University of Azerbaijan, Tabriz, Iran
4- Department of Psychology, Faculty of Educational Sciences & Psychology, Tabriz Branch, Shahid Madani University of Azerbaijan, Tabriz, Iran
English Extended Abstract:   (1244 Views)
Some researchers such as Deffenbacher divides anger into two categories of internal and external factors [1]. .... [2].
Previous Studies
Some of the personality factors play an important role in facilitating anger [3]. .... [4-13]. Promoting resilience through instruction of emotional regulation help individuals, with positive emotions and feelings, overcome unpleasant experiences and negative emotions causes such as anger and return to a balanced state [14]. ... [15-19].
The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between resilience, abnormal personality traits and anger with the mediating role of perception of air pollution in students of a military university.
Research Type
The method of the present research is applied-developmental in terms of purpose and in the group of non-experimental designs.
Research Society, Place and Time
The statistical population of this study was all students of a military university in Tehran in 2020-21.
Sampling Method and Number
A sample size of 250 people was obtained for this study [15]. Cluster random sampling method was used and statistical samples were selected from students in the fields of traffic operations, traffic engineering and educational planning management.
Used Devices & Materials
Data collection tools in this study were Connor and Davidson Resilience Scale, Abnormal Personality Dimensions Questionnaire, Spielberger's State- Trait of Anger Questionnaire and Air Pollution Perception Questionnaire.
Ethical Permissions
The research was conducted by observing the ethical principles and confidentiality of the questionnaires data and observing the rights of the participants to be able to leave the research at any time they wished.
Finding by Text
The highest frequency of 250 samples was related to the age group of 25 to 35 (44.8%; 112 people). 55.6% of the respondents (139 people) were master students and only 8.8% were PhD students (Table 1). The mean of abnormal personality traits scores in the sample of 250 people was 41.90 with a standard deviation of 14.75, the mean of resilience scores was 85.72 with a standard deviation of 15.15; The mean of perception of air pollution scores was 117.60 with a standard deviation of 18.64 and the mean of anger scores was 90.39 with a standard deviation of 25.47 (Table 2). Since the significance level of the normality test for the three main variables of abnormal personality traits, resilience and anger was less than the error level of 0.05 (p = 0.01), the data distribution of these variables was abnormal. Also, the significance level of perception of air pollution was equal to 0.20 and more than 0.05, which showed that the data distribution of this variable was normal. The extent and direction of the relation between the variables were determined before reaching the model analysis and structural equation modeling. Spearman correlation coefficient was used due to abnormal data distribution (Table 3). Based on the findings, the level of significance between pairwise relations of the variables were less than the error level of 0.05. Therefore, the assumption of relation between research variables were confirmed. After examining the type of data distribution and correlation between variables; conceptual model test was performed by PLS method. Considering the value of t and the standardized factor loadings between the questions and the variables were respectively calculated as more than 1.96 and 0.4, there was no need to delete or change the questionnaire questions (Table 4). Cronbach's alpha coefficient values of all research variables were obtained more than 0.7 and the suitability of reliability with this index was confirmed. Convergent validity was measured by average variance extracted (AVE) and the suitability of convergent validity with this index was confirmed (p <0.05). Divergent validity was also confirmed by Fornell and Larcker method. In the next step, the relationship between latent variables was determined. In order to rely with high reliability on the results of the model and the collected data, evaluation the criteria for examining path coefficients (beta) and its significance (t-value), examining the coefficient of determination index (R²) of endogenous latent variables and examining the predictive correlation index Q² were done. The calculated t-values in all relationships in the model were greater than 1.96 and were significant at the 95% level. Also, R² values for endogenous latent variables were 0.367. Therefore, abnormal personality traits and resilience together predicted 36.7% of the variance (changes) in perception of air pollution. Also, the variables of perception of air pollution, abnormal personality traits and resilience predicted 61.4% of the variance (changes) of anger. Meanwhile, Q² values for model endogenous variables (perception of air pollution) and anger were respectively 0.113 and 0.178, which were considered positive and calculated at an acceptable level (Figure 1). According to the findings (Communalities = 0.423; R² = 0.596) GOF criterion value was calculated to be 0.502, which indicated a strong fit of the overall research model. Therefore, the collected data were able to cover the designed model well and confirm the model with high power. Positive and significant direct effects of abnormal personality traits on anger, perception of air pollution on anger and abnormal personality traits on perception of air pollution with 95% probability were confirmed according to the collected data (p = 0.01; Table 4). The negative and significant effects of resilience on anger and resilience on perception of air pollution were also confirmed (Table 4). Considering that the absolute value of Sobel statistic was calculated as 6.161, 5.940 and more than 1.96 and the significance level of the test was less than the error level of 0.05, the mediation of perception of air pollution in relation to resilience and anger and the mediating effect of perception of air pollution at the 95% confidence level were reaffirmed in the relationship between abnormal personality traits and anger.
Main Comparison to the Similar Studies
Research findings indicated that there were relationships between abnormal personality traits and perception of air pollution. This finding is consistent with the research of Sorkhe et al. [20] and Sass et al. [21]. Sorkheh et al. [20] in a study showed that air pollution is one of the hidden causes of crimes caused by anger. Air pollution increases anxiety, decreases mental capacity, muscle and mental tensions, violence and aggression [21]. The research findings also showed a significant negative relationship between resilience and perception of air pollution; this finding is in line with research of Zaheri, Majnouni and Tutakhaneh [22]. The results have shown that air pollution caused by the power plant has the potential to change the psychological pressure of the villagers. Findings also showed a positive and significant relationship between abnormal personality traits and anger. This finding is consistent with Khasi et al. [23], Faraji et al. [24] and Kolla et al. studies [25]. .... [26]. Findings also showed that there was a significant negative relationship between resilience and anger. This finding is consistent with the researches of Hashemi and Khazaeipour [27], Sadri Damirchi et al. [28], Mohnizadeh Fallahieh and Shoaa Kazemi [29] and Sibdari [30]. Findings indicated a positive and significant relationship between perception of air pollution and anger. This finding is consistent with the research of Nadrian et al. [31], Chen, Oliva and Zhang [32]. The findings also suggested that perception of air pollution played a mediating role in the relationship between abnormal personality traits and anger. These results are consistent with the research of Seyed Hassani [33], Chen, Oliva and Zhang [32], Martino et al. [34]. ... [35, 36]. According to the results of the study, in the relationship between resilience and anger, perception of air pollution played a mediating role. This finding is consistent with the research of Sadri Demirci et al. [28], Rasouli [37], Gladka, Rymasewska and Zatonski [38].
Due to the limited tools of this research, the use of observation and interview to achieve more complete results in future research is recommended. Due to the inadequacy of longitudinal studies on the effects and injuries of exposure to air pollution, it is better, in future research, to apply other methods such as comparative study in different environments or observational studies (longitudinal or cross-sectional) in order to accurately evaluate the group as well as to conclude and develop a model.
It is suggested that research studies be conducted in other geographical areas and time periods. Similar research should be done on other high-risk groups that suffer the most from short-term air pollution (such as women of pregnancy ages or the elderly). In order to obtain more complete results and to chart future paths for dealing with the effects of air pollution, the statistics of emotional turmoil, depression and suicide should be considered in areas where the average concentration of pollutants is above the standard and has a high risk, and be compared in a research project.
Resilience and abnormal personality traits affect anger through the mediation of perception of air pollution.
Clinical & Practical Tips in Police Medicine
If military students receive the necessary training to promote resilience, and special criteria for selecting students based on personality traits are adopted and implemented, they will have a greater ability to control anger which will help them carry out their academic and professional duties which are usually under critical circumstances causing anger.
The authors of the article would like to thank all the dear participants in the research who helped us in collecting the data.
Conflict of Interest
The authors of the article state that there is no conflict of interest in the present study.
Funding Sources
The present study had no financial support.

Table 1) Frequency distribution of respondents' demographic information
Indicator frequency Frequency percentage
Age 19 to 24 years 91 36.4
25 to 35 years 112 44.8
36 to 45 years 47 18.8
education Bachelor 89 35.6
master 139 55.6
P.H.D 22 8.8
knowing about air pollution Allergies 23 9.2
Friends 43 17.2
media 102 40.8
Internet and so on 82 32.8
vehicles personal car 48 19.2
Bus 27 10.8
Subway 79 31.6
Taxi 68 27.2
Other 28 11.2
Total 250 100

Table 2) Descriptive indicators of research variables
Variables M ± SD The lowest The most
Opposition 9.47±3.74 5.00 20.00
Psychopathy 8.43±3.43 5.00 17.00
Inhibition of rupture 6.79±2.99 5.00 18.00
Negative emotions 8.60±3.69 5.00 18.00
faulting 8.59±3.82 5.00 20.00
Abnormal personality traits 41.90±14.75 25.00 87.00
Positive acceptance of emotions 16.67±3.29 6.00 25.00
Spirituality 6.64±1.77 2.00 10.00
Trust in personal instincts 25.72±5.26 7.00 35.00
Competence 25.50±6.83 8.00 4.00
Inhibition 11.18±2.16 4.00 15.00
Resilience 85.72±15.15 43.00 125.00
Clean air compounds 24.70±5.07 12.00 36.00
Ideas about air pollution 15.31±3.08 7.00 21.0
Effects of air pollution on health 18.11±3.77 9.00 27.00
acidic rain 11.78±2.21 6.00 18.00
Exposure to pollution 24.83±5.25 12.00 36.00
Feeling and perception 22.84±4.81 11.00 33.00
Perception of air pollution 117.60±18.46 59.00 161.00
Anger Mode 23.30±8.76 15.00 47.00
Anger Adjective 14.84±5.17 10.00 32.00
External anger control 13.46±5.46 8.00 32.00
The onset of anger 14.51±5.30 8.00 32.00
Control inner anger 25.26±9.54 16.00 56.00
Anger 90.39±25.47 57.00 166.00

Table 3) Correlation coefficients between variables
Variables 1 2 3 4
The amount of correlation Abnormal personality traits 1.000 - - -
Resilience 0.53 1.000 - -
Perception of air pollution 0.50 -0.40 1.000 -
Anger 0.64 -0.60 0.63 1.000
p <0.01

Table 4) Results related to the significance of the relation between variables
path: Independent variable( Dependent variable β T value p
Abnormal personality traits (perception of air pollution 0.324 4.781 0.01
Resilience (anger -0.222 2.960 0.003
Abnormal personality traits (anger 0.323 4.418 0.01
Resilience -0.162 2.674 0.008
perception of air pollution(anger 0.266 5.558 0.01

Figure 1) Final model with standardized factor load coefficients and path coefficients (evaluation of measurement models)
Article number: e9
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Article Type: Original Research | Subject: Police Related Psychology
Received: 2021/08/26 | Accepted: 2021/11/8 | Published: 2022/01/1

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