Volume 7, Issue 3 (2018)                   J Police Med 2018, 7(3) | Back to browse issues page

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Sadeghmoghadam L, Tavakolizadeh J, Mazloum Shahri S B, Taheri M. Effectiveness of Pender's Health Promotion Model on Reducing Drivers High-risk Behaviors. J Police Med 2018; 7 (3)
URL: http://jpmed.ir/article-1-698-en.html
1- Department of Social Health, Mental & Aging Nursing, Faculty of Nursing, Social Development & Health Promotion Research Center, Gonabad University of Medical Sciences, Gonabad, Iran
2- Department of Psychology, Medical Faculty, Gonabad Medical Sciences University, Gonabad, Iran
3- Deputy of Research & Technology, Gonabad Medical Sciences University, Gonabad, Iran
4- Department of Social Health, Mental & Aging Nursing, Nursing Faculty, Gonabad Medical Sciences University, Gonabad, Iran
English Extended Abstract:   (4299 Views)
Aims: Traffic accidents account for 2.1% of all deaths in the world. In addition, the eighth cause of death in the world and the first cause of death in the age group of 15 to 29 years is known. The present study was an attempt to investigate the effectiveness of Pender’s Health Promotion Model on reducing the high risk behaviors of taxi drivers.
Materials & Methods: This semi-experimental study with pre- and post-test designing and control group was performed in Mashhad, Iran, in 2017. The research society was all male taxi drivers of Mashhad, Iran, city. 380 samples were selected using multi-stage random sampling. After completing the Manchester questionnaire, drivers who ranked their high-risk behaviors more than medial score were identified and 45 of them were selected for each group separately. A training intervention based on this model was implemented in 6 sessions for the experimental group after completing a researcher-made questionnaire on benefits, barriers and perceived self-efficacy of Pender's model. Manchester questionnaire and Pender model structures were completed in each group three months after the completion of the training. Collected data were analyzed in SPSS 24 using independent t-test, Mann-Whitney U and Friedman tests.
Findings: The mean score of driving behavior in the experimental and control groups were 116.4±20.3 and 119.8±20.8 respectively. This difference was not significant based on Mann-Whitney U test (P=0.385), but in the post-test (t=-8.2) and follow-up (t=-12.3), this difference was significant (p<0.001). The mean of total score of the studied structures in the Pender’s Health Promotion Pattern (benefits, barriers, and self-efficacy) was not significant in the pre-test stage (p=0.301), but it was significant in the post-test and follow up stages (p<0.001).
Conclusion: Educational intervention based on Pender’s Health Promotion Patterns is effective in reducing the risky behaviors of taxi drivers.
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Article Type: Original Research | Subject: Police Related Trauma
Received: 2018/02/25 | Accepted: 2018/05/1 | Published: 2018/09/15

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