
Aims & Scope

 | Post date: 2020/04/6 | 

The strategic goals of publishing the scientific-research journal of police medicine are the following:

1- In various fields of science related to forensic medicine under a single research institute.
2- Conflicts between the various deputies of the police headquarter.
3- Conflicts between police headquarter and native and international universities.
4- Avoid conducting parallel research in the field of police medicine.
5- Appropriate distribution of human, hardware, and financial resources based on a prioritized plan.
6- Adequate research platform for the growing needs of the police headquarter
7- Ability to conduct large-scale and comprehensive research in its entirety.

According to the above objectives, the scientific-research journal of police medicine in the following subject areas to accept original research articles, short research, types of review articles; Narrative, systematic and meta-analysis, case reports, and letters to the editor:

1- Police medical emergencies (traffic medicine, crisis medicine, medical management in riots, police self-care equipment, etc.)
2- Police psychology (crime and delinquency psychology, cognitive science, behavioral science, drug addiction and abuse, standardization of police practical tests,...)
3- Police health (management of hospital systems, urban epidemic, bioterrorism, nutrition, medical exemption)
4- Injuries related to police activity (accidents caused by firearms and cold weapons, occupational injuries, ballistic medicine, etc.)
5- Technologies related to law enforcement medicine (forensic medicine, basic pharmaceutical studies, new diagnosis and treatment methods, making kits and vaccines, making medical and self-care equipment, artificial intelligence in the police)


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