Volume 11, Issue 1 (2022)                   J Police Med 2022, 11(1) | Back to browse issues page

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Khan Mohammadi M T, salehinia R. Investigating the Causes of Disability of Traffic Police Personnel Following Traumas Caused by Traffic Accidents in Tehran, Iran; A Cross-Sectional Study. J Police Med 2022; 11 (1) : e19
URL: http://jpmed.ir/article-1-1077-en.html
1- Research Center for Trauma in Police Operations, Directorate of Health, Rescue and Treatment, Police Headquarter, Tehran, Iran
2- Department of Surgical Technology, School of Paramedical Sciences, Student Research Committee, Mazandaran University of Medical Sciences, Sari, Iran , rezaotg@gmail.com
English Extended Abstract:   (2513 Views)
... [1-8]. Military personnel are among the people who are exposed to injuries and trauma caused by traffic accidents, which can have a direct and indirect impact on their long-term physical and mental health. Most of the studies have been done on the short-term health consequences of the injured person after the accident, which has led to disability [9, 10]. ... [11-17]. Injuries and occupational accidents are very common among the armed forces personnel and can lead to disability or even early retirement entailing huge costs for the armed forces. In the study by Charles S et al., 88,235 American soldiers were examined for physical injuries. The results of this study show that soldiers have the most musculoskeletal injuries that 82% of this type of injury is related to inflammation or pain [18]. The study by Clarke et al. also showed that in 2015, among the 60,228 members of the Australian Army, the most common causes of physical disability were due to ocular, musculoskeletal, and connective tissue disorders (18%) [19]. A proper understanding of the effects of long-term injuries and disabilities on the armed forces has not yet been achieved. Physical injuries are thought to be a major cause of disability in young people [12, 20]. Previous studies have shown that among police forces, traffic police officers have certain job stress and anxiety due to their job and service conditions [21]. 
AIM (s)
The purpose of this study was to investigate the various physical injuries caused by traffic accidents that led to the disability of police officers.
The statistical population of this cross-sectional study was 404 cases of traffic police personnel whose disabilities were certified and registered by the Traffic Police of the Greater Tehran Headquarters from April 2016 to November 2021.
Demographic information of disabled employees was taken out of the archived files in terms of age, service history, level of education, and type of membership. The frequency percent of traumatic accidents occurred by age group and work experience in conscripts from one month of service to 24 months and in the official forces with a history of 2-10, 10-20, and 20-35 years were examined.
Data were analyzed using SPSS 26 software and descriptive and analytical indicators. The information was quantitative (continuous and discrete) and qualitative (nominal and rank) and inferential statistics were used to describe the demographic characteristics and the logistic regression test (Enter) was used to examine the relationship between the variables at a significance level of 0.05.
From the 404 samples studied in the summary of demographic findings, 401 men and 3 women with a mean age of 36.05±7.88 years, 320 (79%) were Police Headquarter officers with a mean age of 37.5±6.33 years and 84 people (21%) were on military service with a mean age of 26.44±2.57 years (Table 1). The highest type of physical injury in traffic accidents that caused disability to police officers was related to musculoskeletal injury of the upper extremity (35.9%) and the lowest type of injury was related to lung and blood injury (0.2%). The most common type of physical injury among musculoskeletal injuries of the upper extremity was the hands (26.06%) and in the lower extremity was the leg (13.85%). All deaths during this period were related to conscripts (Table 2). The officers were in the age range of 20-60 years, with the highest number of injured persons in the age range of 20-30 years and the lowest in the age range of 50-60 years. Also, a higher percentage of people were in the service record with a range of 2-10 years (43.5%) and a lower percentage were in the service record of 20-35 years (15.5%). These results showed that with increasing work experience and age of traffic police staff, the number of injured people decreased (Table 3). Based on the education level regression logistics test (p <0.005) and the lower and upper bound at 95% in confidence levels less than one, showed a reduced chance of injury (Table 4).
The findings of this study showed that the most injuries were related to the official staff of traffic police and with increasing age and work experience of traffic police staff, the number of traumatic accidents decreased. This research finding, which indicates that most traumatic events occur at a young age is consistent with the research of Mohammad Hadi Sarvari et al. [1], Milliken CS et al. [18], and Amin Rezaei et al. [22]. The findings of this study showed that the most common cause of disability was musculoskeletal injury, which is consistent with the study of Milliken CS et al. [18]. Findings and results of this study showed that military personnel has the most musculoskeletal injuries and 82% of them are related to inflammation or pain due to overwork, followed by joint disorders (15%) and stress fractures. (2%), knee or leg (22%), lumbar spine (20%), and ankle or foot (13%) are classified [18]. The results of a study by Clarke et al. also showed that in 2015, among 60,228 Australian military personnel, the most common causes of disability were due to ocular, musculoskeletal, and connective tissue disorders (18%) [19] which is in line with this research. On the other hand, the results of the study by Dr. Bahram Montazeri et al. show that in the Air Force, the most common cause of disability is related to cardiovascular problems that can be due to stressful conditions [12].
The present study had some limitations such as insufficient information in the traffic police database regarding the underlying diseases of injured people in traffic accidents that can be involved in the cause of disability of traffic police staff and can affect the results of the study.
It is suggested that in future studies, the causes of disability in terms of metabolic and hemodynamic diseases be investigated because the personnel of police traffic is under various stresses and anxieties.
The most common type of injury and cause of disability of NAJA traffic police personnel is related to musculoskeletal injuries in the lower and upper extremity, and the most injured part in the upper extremity is related to the arms. Also, with increasing age and work experience of injured employees, the percentage of traumatic events decreases.
Due to the high percentage of injuries of NAJA traffic police personnel and their disability in the knees, legs, and arms, it is better to consider protective equipment for these areas.
This article is the result of the implementation of the approved plan with the number A-10-1920-1 in the Trauma Research Center in the Police Operations of the Deputy of Health, Rescue, and Treatment. We would like to thank Dr. Sharifi Moghaddam in the Traffic Police of the Greater Tehran Police Headquarters for his cooperation in this study.
The authors state that there is no conflict of interest in the present study.
The Deputy of Health, Rescue, and Treatment of the Police was in charge of the financial and moral support of this project.

 Table 1) Distribution of absolute and relative demographic frequency of injured traffic police
Education Official forces Duty forces
Number Percent Number Percent
Under high school diploma 4 1.6 2 2.4
High school Diploma 71 28.4 8 9.5
Associate Degree 54 21.6 6 7.1
Bachelor 104 41.6 60 71.4
MA 17 6.8 8 9.5

Table2) Percentage of frequency of various injuries
Type of injury absolute frequency Relative frequency percentage  
Musculoskeletal of the upper extremities Hand 105 26.06  
Face 40 9.93  
Musculoskeletal of the lower extremities Foot  40 9.89
Knee  43 10.64
Leg 56 13.85
Musculoskeletal of the upper and lower of body 48 11.9  
Eye 10 2.5  
Ear-throat-nose 15 3.7  
Genital urination 7 1.7  
Cardiovascular 5 1.2  
Nerves 15 3.7  
Skin 3 0.7  
Blood 1 0.2  
Death 5 1.2  
Gastrointestinal 10 2.5  
Lung 1 0.2  
Total 404 100  

Table 3) Relative frequency of employees injured in accidents in the age range
Index Relative frequency
Age 20-30 41.2
30-40 27.8
40-50 27.3
50-60 3.7
History From 1 month to 2 years of service 16.7
2-10 years 43.5
10-20 years 24.3
20-35 years 15.5

Table 4) Results of logistic regression of injured employees of traffic police
Variable B Coefficient Standard deviation (se) Standard coefficient P-Value Exp(B) lower bound Upper bound
Fixed coefficient 2.395 0.497 - 0.000 - 1.417 3.372
education 0.029 0.120 0.012 0.002 0.025 -0.207 0.264



Article number: e19
Full-Text [PDF 539 kb]   (1927 Downloads) |   |   English Extended Abstract (HTML)  (336 Views)  
Article Type: Original Research | Subject: Police Related Trauma
Received: 2022/01/31 | Accepted: 2022/04/4 | Published: 2022/04/19

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