Volume 13, Issue 1 (2024)                   J Police Med 2024, 13(1) | Back to browse issues page

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Babaei M, Shirzad J, Ghorbani Y, Faghih Fard P. Pathology of the Process of Determining the Identity of Unidentified Decedents in the Criminal Investigation Department of Police (Case study: Qazvin, Iran). J Police Med 2024; 13 (1) : e6
URL: http://jpmed.ir/article-1-1242-en.html
1- Department of Identity Recognition & Medical Sciences, Faculty of Intelligence & Criminal Investigation Science & Technology, Amin Police University, Tehran, Iran
2- Department of Identity Recognition & Medical Sciences, Faculty of Intelligence & Criminal Investigation Science & Technology, Amin Police University, Tehran, Iran , jalal_shirzad@yahoo.com
3- Department of Crime Detection, Faculty of Intelligence & Criminal Investigation Science & Technology, Amin Police University, Tehran, Iran
English Extended Abstract:   (218 Views)
Aims: Determining identity is an important issue for police. The purpose of this research was the pathology of identity authentication methods in unidentified decedents.
Materials and Methods: The present research is a descriptive survey which was done with practical purpose and in documentary survey form. 90 cases of unidentified corpses (2017 to 2021) were investigated by the police of Qazvin province and after evaluating the cases, a questionnaire was prepared and used as a research tool. The questionnaire was distributed among the experts of the Department of Combating Criminal Crimes, Identity Detection, and the Forensic Medicine Organization of Qazvin Province among the statistical population (48 people). The aforementioned research was full-scale and the criteria for entering the study was at least 5 years of service experience and the exclusion criterion was not being satisfied with continuing to participate in the study. Analysis was done with descriptive and inferential statistics (skewness and skewness, Friedman) using SPSS 23 software.
Findings: In this research, 3 women and 45 men with a service history of at least 5 years of executive work with education, respectively, 2 had diplomas, 8 had associate degrees, 27 had a bachelor's degree, 8 had a master's degree, and 3 had PhD. The validity of the questionnaire used by experts was confirmed and its reliability was calculated by calculating Cronbach's alpha coefficient, 0.79. Examining the questionnaire showed that doing the DNA test was more valuable than other variables in authenticating the corpses. The use of criminal photography, the matching of databases, and the corpse's belongings are in the next ranks. In examining the cases, the most important variable in identity authentication was the examination of fingerprints, and criminal photography, database matching, and corpse belongings were ranked next.
Conclusion: According to the opinion of experts, DNA testing is the most effective method in authenticating the bodies, but due to its high cost, lack of sufficient laboratory equipment, and lack of knowledge in this field, this method is not used optimally. On the other hand, in the investigation of cases, the use of fingerprints was found to be an effective method. This method is suitable, easy, accessible, and low-cost, and the use of a fingerprint database and sufficient and appropriate knowledge of the relevant experts to use this method has made this method effective and suitable.
Article number: e6
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Article Type: Original Research | Subject: Police Related Trauma
Received: 2023/12/26 | Accepted: 2024/09/14 | Published: 2024/10/10
* Corresponding Author Address: Faculty of Intelligence & Criminal Investigation Science & Technology, Amin Police University, The Beginning of Shahid Kharazi Highway, The End of Shahid Hemet Gharb Highway, Tehran, Iran, Postal code: 1498619991

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